english deutsch
Double Trouble, Boston Phoenix: Greil Marcus, Eye: Greil Marcus on Bob Dylan and PJ Harvey, Granta: American Folk
In The Attic
Greil's official site. Includes news, listings of readings and lectures, books to be published, and bibliography.
Len Bracken's Criticism of Greil Marcus
Bracken's critical essay on Marcus.
Perfect Sound Forever: Greil Marcus
Billy Bob Hargus' interview with Marcus on the 'politics of rock'.
Plastic.com: Greil Marcus
Profile of the writer, and cover of one of his works.
Popped.com: Greil Marcus
Scott Woods' article about Marcus' lecture at the Art Gallery of Ontario.
Powell's Books: Greil Marcus
Dave Weich's interview with the author.
Salon.com: Greil Marcus
Archive of columns and articles written for Salon Magazine.
Suck: Greil Marcus
Article and cartoon from the 'Evil Genius Grants 1998' series.