english deutsch
A 20th Century Warrior
Essay on Mishima's life and suicide from New Dawn magazine.
Dojoji: One of Yukio Mishima's Modern Noh Pla
Discussion of Mishima's play, Dojoji.
Featured Author - Yukio Mishima
Index of New York Times articles, reviews, and interviews either written about or by Mishima.
Mishima Yukio
Encarta Encyclopedia entry.
Mishima Yukio Cyber Museum
Biography and publication history, bibliography, information on the museum and forum.
Riverworld PBEM - Mishima
Includes basic chronology of Mishima's life.
Yukio Mishima
Biography, bibliography, summaries of some of his main works, chronology and articles.
Yukio Mishima
Brief biography with list of selected works.
Yukio Mishima
Biographical information on Mishima.
Yukio Mishima's Visons
Essay on the meaning of Mishima's suicide.