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'Scar Vegas': She Stole His Kidney and O
review in The New York Times By Christopher Lehmann-Haupt.
"Protest Lit"
"These stories focus on the ways huge geopolitical forces shape small individual lives," writes author Stacey D'Erasmo about Paine's "Scar Vegas."
"The Milkman and I"
Text of Paine's short story which was the premier winner of The Boston Review's Short Story Contest.
Amazon.com: Editorial Reviews
excerpts from editorial reviews of Paine's highly-praised print collection: "Scar Vegas : And Other Stories."
Salon Books ;
"In an amazing debut, a fired-up writer takes aim at dumb American swaggerers and corporate greed." Salon's Maria Russo reviews Paine's first collection.
The Village Voice: VLS: Writers on the Verge
Brief write-up on Paine with some background information.
War Crimes
Paine's featured short story in Zoetrope magazine.