english deutsch
Almost Paradise Collection
Selection of poems released in December 2003. Editor's comments with contents, links, extracts, editing details and brief biography.
Chistina Rossetti
General information and links about her life and work, from the 1890's Society.
Christina Rossetti
An online overview of the author and her work, links to historical and critical studies, as well as a selection of texts including, with original illustrations, the complete "Goblin Market."
Christina Rossetti
Selected poetry, criticism, and biography. From University of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Christina Rossetti
Portrait, photograph of her tomb in the family plot at Highgate Cemetery, London, brief biography, and interactive visitor comments.
Christina Rossetti and Her Mother
Photographed by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (a.k.a. Lewis Carroll).
Christina Rossetti Web
Archive of poetry.
Goblin Market
Selected Poetry of Christina Rossetti
The text of 13 of her poems.