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Belated Reviews: Cordwainer Smith, Cordwainer Smith - An Appreciation, Norstrilia, Norstrilia, Norstrilia, Norstrilia, Nostrilia, The Rediscovery of Man, The Rediscovery of Man, The Rediscovery of Man
A Cordwainer Smith Checklist
Offers a Windows help file with a detailed checklist of Smith's publications, and also includes many scans of the covers.
Cats, cruelty and children
Full text of a recent article about Smith, subtitled "Idealism and Morality in the Instrumentality of Mankind."
Concordance to Cordwainer Smith
NESFA Press publisher's site about Anthony R. Lewis' book of the same name, which identifies all things, places and characters in Smith's works. Some excerpts available for reading.
Cordwainer Smith
Smith's life and work as detailed in the vast "Alpha Ralpha Boulevard" set of author pages.
Cordwainer Smith - Other References
Notes and mentions to Smith in the interactive version of the book ``The Ascent of Wonder'' edited by David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer.
Cordwainer Smith - The Instrumentality of Mankind
Artist Hicaru Tanaka's cover for a Japanese edition of Smith's work.
Cordwainer Smith and His Remarkable Science Fictio
Selections from Cordwainer Smith's stories, biography, links, forum, photos, books and other items for sale, in a site maintained by his daughter. Also home to the Cordwainer Smith Foundation.
Cordwainer Smith Bibliography
A bibliography of Cordwainer Smith's books and short stories, with book covers and links to related authors.
Cordwainer Smith Unofficial Biography Page
Alan C. Elms' pages about Smith, including a full list of Elms' writings on him.
Cordwainer Smith's Remarkable Science Fiction
Forums at ezboard for discussing Smith's works and life, and current related events of the science fiction community. Also open for ads to sell or buy Smith-related things.
Ex Libris Archives: Cordwainer Smith
Cordwainer Smith's author page and very short reviews at Ex Libris.
From Canberra to Norstrilia
A participant report of a talk given by Alan Elms at a science fiction conference. It deals with the influence Smith's visit to Australia had in his work.
Mr Forest of Incandescent Bliss
Article about Smith by John J. Pierce, scanned from its original publication in a 1973 issue of the fanzine Speculation.
NESFA Press publisher's site about the book of the same name, Smith's only SF novel.
Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger, Jr., Colonel, Unite
Biography, and photos of the gravestone, from the Arlington National Cemetery.
Scanners Live in Vain
Filk song inspired by Smith's story of the same name, by Zander Nyrond.
SF at MTSU - Authors: Cordwainer Smith
Short page about Smith from an online course in science fiction and fantasy by Dr. David Lavery at Middle Tennessee State University.
The 160th Century Worlds Tour, the Universe of Cor
Showcase site for virtual reality artist Corby James Waste's VR-tour of Smith's universe. Many still-image screen-captures available, including some in stereo 3D.
The Rediscovery of Man
NESFA Press publisher's site about the book of the same name, containing all of Smith's SF short fiction.
The Shores of the Night
Stephen Savitzky's filk song inspired by Smith's ``The Lady Who Sailed The Soul''.
The Templeton Gate - Authors - Cordwainer Smith
Cordwainer Smith's author page at The Templeton Gate, with an essay about all his work.
The Universe of Cordwainer Smith
Timeline compiled by J.J. Pierce for Smith's science fiction stories.
To Cordwainer Smith
Artist Turid Uldal's installation inspired by Smith's work.
Tribute to Cordwainer Smith
Odile Prigent's computer art inspired by Smith, at the Paleologos site.