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A Chronology of The Life and Opinions of Tristram
Chronology of Tristram Shandy's narrative, with publication dates.
A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
Text. Compared with critical editions and edited accordingly, this Renascence Editions online edition was prepared by Richard Bear at the University of Oregon in March 1995.
A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
Text of New York 1917 edition, originally published by P.F. Collier & Son, now by bartleby.com
A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
Entire work in plain-text format, at Project Gutenberg
An Experimental Novel: Sterne's Tristram Shan
Essays: Influences on Sterne, plot and character summaries for Tristram Shandy. Links to related sites.
An Initial Bibliography in the Study of the Text-I
Bibliography of works relating to the interplay of text and graphics, and particularly to Sterne.
Avoiding Pathological Literature; Writer, Symbol a
Critical essay comparing Tristram Shandy to James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
Bust of Sterne, 1776, Joseph Nollekens
High-resolution photos.
From Sterne to Baldessari: The Illustration of Tri
History of the illustration of Tristram Shandy. Artists include Hogarth, Cruikshank, Michael "Angelo" Rooker, C.R. Leslie, John Austen, John Baldessari and Martin Rowson.
Indeterminacy Winked at: Tristram Shandy, Evangeli
Critical essay on Tristram Shandy's resistance to rationalism.
Jane Austen and Laurence Sterne
Material from Austen's writings which may indicate she read Sterne's works.
Laurence Sterne : A recent secondary Bibliography
Listing of English-language essays and books on Sterne published since 1994. Supplements Jack Lynch's bibliography.
Laurence Sterne in Cyberspace
Directory of websites related to the works and life of Sterne. Includes texts, bibliographies, and critical works.
Narrativity and Stasis in Martin Rowson's Tri
Criticism on Rowson's 1996 graphic novel (comic-book) edition. With illustrations.
Portraits of Sterne, National Portrait Gallery, Lo
Includes low-resolution scans of portraits by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Louis Carrogis ('Louis de Carmontelle').
Russell, Infinity, and the Tristram Shandy Paradox
Philosophical examination of the Tristram Shandy paradox (which is that Tristram takes longer than a day to recount one day of his life).
Sancho's Letter to Sterne
Text of Ignatius Sancho's letter to Sterne on the topic of slavery, with Sterne's reply.
Selected Bibliography: Laurence Sterne
List of canonical bibliographies, criticism, biographies, and editions of texts
Shandy Hall
Sterne's home at the time he wrote Tristram Shandy and A Sentimental Journey, now a museum. Includes contact info, photos and details of accommodation in Wolfson Cottage.
Shandy Hall on AboutBritain.com
Includes map, nearby attractions and accommodation.
Spiraling Down "The Gutter of Time": Tri
Critical essay comparing Tristram Shandy to chaos theory's Lorenz attractor.
Sterne, and the Novel of His Times
Critical essay on the context of Sterne's work.
The Friday Review: The Life and Opinions of Tristr
Illustrated review of Martin Rowson's comic-book Tristram Shandy, in Ninth Art magazine.
The Hypertext Tristram Shandy Page
Basic concepts and ideas behind hypertext, with Tristram Shandy as a backdrop.
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentlema
Full text from the first and third editions, converted to HTML. With images of Hogarth's illustrations, the marbled page, and Sterne's other graphical devices.
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentlema
Full novel in plain-text format, published by Project Gutenberg, Urangan, 1997.
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentlema
Text in HTML format, at Bibliomania. With critical summary.
The Oates Collection
Sterneana held at Cambridge University Library, UK.
The Shandean
An international scholarly journal for the critical and historical investigation of all aspects of the work and life of Laurence Sterne. Contents of previous editions, notes for contributors, details of the Laurence Sterne Trust. Image gallery: Newton, Buck, Rowlandson, Leslie, different versions of Maria.
The Struggle of Writing Against the Limitations of
Critical essay on the materiality of the book, with reference to Sterne
The Tristram Shandy Web
Annotated edition of "Tristram Shandy", in hypertext format. With bibliography.
The Vienna Web: Tristram Shandy Speaking
Unusual collection of Shandy quotations from the University of Vienna's Department of Philosophy.
Tristram Shandy
High-quality scans of illustrations and graphics from early editions of Tristram Shandy, at Glasgow University Library.
Tristram Shandy Plot Summary
Basic summary of Tristram Shandy's plot, brief biography of Sterne.
Tristram Shandy: An Annotated Bibliography
Jack Lynch's bibliography of critical works on Tristram Shandy, from 1978 to 1995.