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An Interview with John Tranter
John Tranter interviewed by Tom Coverdale in Overland Express.
John Tranter
Homepage of the prominent Australian poet John Tranter, including poems, reviews, interviews and biographical details.
John Tranter on Jacket Magazine
Poetry Review, Spring 1999.
John Tranter Setis Site
This is the homepage for that section of the Setis site dealing with John Tranter's writing, hosted by the University of Sydney Library, Sydney, Australia.
John Tranter, Poetry
Poetry of John Tranter in real audio. Issue Four of The Cortland Review.
John Tranter: Yoo-Hoo, Fugaces!
"These sixteen poems of mine are 'fugitive'; that is, they have appeared in magazines or newspapers at various times over the thirty-odd years since I published my first poem, but they were passed over, along with many others, when I came to gather material for my various books."
The Poetry Kit - The Poetry Kit Interviews John Tr
Biographical note, interview, bibliography, link to three poems by John Tranter.