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Homecoming: Anse la Raye, Pentecost, The Bounty II and The Fist
Academy of American Poets: Derek Walcott
Biography, photograph, and primary bibliography. Includes a RealAudio clip of the poet reading his work.
Derek Walcott
Features links to plays, poems, photographs, and background on the writer.
Derek Walcott
Includes biographical information, selected works, and suggestions for further reading.
Derek Walcott Biography
Short biography of Derek Walcott.
Derek Walcott: Nobel Prize in Literature 1992
Press release, curriculum vitae, Nobel lecture, Swedish Nobel stamps.
Emory Postcolonial Studies: Derek Walcott
Contains biographical, bibliographical and secondary material on the author.
The New York Review of Books: Derek Walcott
Bibliography of books and articles by the author, from The New York Review of Books.
Tiepolo's Hound
Review of Tiepolo's Hound from The Richmond Review.