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Alma Mahler and Franz Werfel Papers: A Selection o
Photographs of Franz Werfel, his Czechoslovakian passport, and insurance papers.
Columbia Encyclopedia: Werfel, Franz
Brief biographical entry.
Franz Werfel
Biography of this Czech-born poet, playwright, and novelist. Includes bibliography. At Pegasos.
Franz Werfel and Alma Mahler-Werfel
Biography concentrates on the years they spent in southern California.
Gardens of the Righteous Worldwide: Franz Werfel
Illustrated biography of Jewish author.
Portraits: Franz Werfel
Photos of a plaster bust of Werfel, sculpted by his stepdaughter Anna Mahler.
The Miracle at Lourdes, a Glimpse of Heaven
A recommendation to read "The Forty Days of Musa Dagh" prompted the author of this article to also reconsider "The Song of Bernadette."