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About: Contemporary Literature
Links to book reviews, interviews, and literary essays.
Digital Book Index
Provides links to more than 100,000 title records from more than 1800 commercial and non-commercial publishers, universities, and various private sites. About 61,000 of these books, texts, and documents are available free.
A collection of directories of small publishers, magazine editors and publishers, plus the Small Press Review. Offers listing forms, advertising rates and order desk.
Directory of free books online.
Large directory for literature sites and resources, including books, writers, workshops, and hypertexts, provided by literary publisher Badosa. Also in Spanish and Catalan.
Links to Literature
World literature directory that contains 9,000+ annotated and organized links to literature resources.
Literary Resources on the Net
Extensive academic directory of Internet literary resources, maintained by Jack Lynch of Rutgers University.
Literature Classics
Literature database that includes essays and links, as well as forums, a chat, and creative writing submissions.
University of Alberta's guide to the best literary sites online.
Readers Read Online Book Resources
Categorized directory.
The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing, featuring a wide variety of resources for those interested in the history of print culture in any place or period.
The Online Books Page
Features over 10,000 online books free to the public.
Wisdom World Literature
Provides a literary search engine and directory of over 500 categories.