english deutsch
A School for Scandal
A synopsis of the play by Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Scarborough and the Critic
Two plays. The first, "The Road to Scarborough," is a somewhat tamer version of John Vanbrugh's Restoration comedy "The Relapse." The second, "The Critic," is a light comedy about the world of the theatre. Plain text and zip files at Project Gutenberg.
Selected Poetry of Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751
Two poems, and biographical data.
St. Patrick's Day
A one-act farce, set in England. In plain text or as a zip file, from Project Gutenberg.
The Duenna
Comic opera set in Seville. In plain text or as a zip file, from Project Gutenberg.
The School for Scandal
Comedy. In plain text or as a zip file, from Project Gutenberg.