english deutsch
"Are You Now or Were You Ever?"
Arthur Miller describes the paranoia that swept America--and the moment his then-wife Marilyn Monroe became a bargaining chip in his own prosecution. Published in The Guardian/Observer, June 17, 2000.
A Visit With Castro
An article by Miller in the 1/12/04 issue of The Nation.
All My Sons
Freddy Phiroz's essay on the play.
Excerpts from his autobiography (Timebends), dealing with invesigation by the Committee on Un-American Activities.
Civil Rights
Covers Miller's fears about loss of freedoms following 9/11 attacks. From British Broadcasting, December 25, 2001.
Granta: Arthur Miller
The author's memoir of life at the Chelsea Hotel in the 1960's.
Interview on Morality
From the March-April issue of Humanities magazine with NEH chairman William R. Ferris.
Michigan Quarterly Review
Excerpts from an interview with Miller from the November 16, 1973 archives. Click on "next" to advance to the next page.
Our Bloodless Coup
An article in the 1/11/99 issue of The Nation.
Miller's quotes on being a playwright, society, newspapers and politics.
Studying All My Sons
Background and plot of the play along with character analysis.
Teachnet: All My Sons
Study questions and learning activities.
Arthur Miller's comments on terrorism and the 9/11 attacks on New York City.
The Man Who Had All the Luck
Matthew Murray's review of the May 1, 2002 production of the Miller play.
The Play
An overview of The Man Who Had All the Luck by Lewis Nichols.