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David Price's Project Gutenberg In-progress L
Alphabetical list of books which are being worked on or have been done.
Distributed Proofreaders
Web-based method of sharing the work involved in the creation of Project Gutenberg etexts. Volunteers proofread scanned books online page by page.
Distributed Proofreaders Europe
Modeled after the Digital Proofreaders project, this variation focuses on digitization of works considered to be in the public domain in Europe.
Knowledge Rush
Site contains Project Gutenberg etexts, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, literature and other non-copyrighted material.
Project Gutenberg
A huge archive of e-texts created by volunteers. Index of texts available, newsletters, articles, and information on volunteering.
Project Gutenberg "To-do" List
Eligible books which are not yet in the project's database.
Project Gutenberg of Australia
Collection of etexts with a focus on Australian writers and works. Also includes timelines for explorers and historical events.