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About.com: Myth: Greco-Roman
The twelve Olympians and other gods and goddesses of the Greco-Roman pantheon.
Classical Myth: The Ancient Sources
Drawing together ancient texts and images concerning the major figures of Greek and Roman mythology, by Laurel Bowman, University of Victoria.
Classical Mythology Directory
Syllabus for a course in classical mythology, from Robin Mitchell-Boyas, Temple University.
Classical Mythology Online
A companion to Morford and Lenardon's "Mythology", offering users of the book a large number of resources and information.
Classical Myths and Legends
Summary of major classical myths and legends, with extensive name index.
Greek and Roman Mythology
List of names from Greek and Roman mythology, from Infoplease.com.
Mythology Guide
Information on Greco-Roman myths and gods.
Name and Fame: Greek and Roman
List of names of famous and not-so-famous characters from Greek and Roman mythology.
Old Greek Stories on Windsor Castle
Old Greek Stories Retold.
Oxford Classical Mythology Online!
Retells the myths and legends of Greece and Rome enabling students to explore and appreciate the most significant ancient sources of classical legends and myths.
Timeless Myths: Classical Mythology
Guide and tales of gods and heroes from classical Greek and Roman mythology.