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Gods and Goddesses
Heroes, Muses, Olympians, Encyclopedia Mythica: Greek Mythology, Family Tree of Greek Gods and Goddesses, Goddess Artemis, Greek and Roman Mythology, Greek Deities, Greek Gods, Greek Mythology, Greek Mythology Link, Home Page., Greek Mythos, Mythography: Gods and Goddesses
Ancient Greek (Hellenic) Sites on the World Web We
Links to texts, art, resources and maps. [last update May 2000]
Ani's Greek Mythology
Overview of the main gods and myths.
Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica Online on Win
The travels of Jason and the argonauts and other stories, adapted from R. C. Seaton's translation.
AskMen.com - Greek Mythology
Snippets of Greek mythology.
Dick Caldwell's Greek Myths
An exploration of Greek Myths categorized by city.
Eoster - Mysteries of the Resurrected Child
Discussing myths and symbols of Greek spring and vegetation deities.
From Myth To Eternity
Excerpts from a CD Rom presenting Greek mythology in stories and images with historical background.
Greek Lovers and Legends
Brought to you by the Mythography site in encyclopedic form.
Greek Mythology
Introduction to ancient Greek mythology combining information from a number of sources.
Greek Mythology
Devoted to the early Greek mythology from the Iliad to the fall of the last tyrant.
Greek Mythology
Greek mythology arranged using standard genealogical software.
Greek Mythology Campfire Forum
Forum and live chat devoted to Greek Mythology.
Greek Mythology: Chapters in Pre-History
A new look at the myths of the Greek seen as portions of a much older, lost historical tradition. A detailed on-line book by William Harris, Professor Emeritus, Middlebury College.
Hellenism: Mythology
Covering creation myths, heroic legends, and Homer's Odyssey and Iliad.
Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns and Homerica
Part of the Online Medieval and Classical Library.
IPL Pathfinder: Greek Mythology
This guide is designed to help you find information about Greek mythology and mythological characters using the Internet and/or your local public library.
Medea's Lair
Medea's favorite stories of Greek mythology with images.
Mythman - Greek Mythology
Modern style re-telling of the Greek Myths. A new one each month. Illustrated and in a fun style.
Information about deities and heroes, with summaries of some of the most famous mythological stories.
MythWeb: Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology
Mythweb's illustrated encyclopedia of Greek Mythology.
Perseus Project
Frazer's summary of Apollodorus' handbook of Greek mythology all aspects of ancient texts, and including a superb image library.
Temple of Zeus at Olympia
Overview of this important temple and its role.
The Greek Heroes
Tales of Perseus, the Argonauts, and Theseus, by Charles Kingsley.
The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales for My Children
Tales of Perseus, the Argonauts, and Theseus, by Charles Kingsley; e-text at the Project Gutenberg.
The Muses: Greek Mythology Campfire
Discussion board on Greek mythology.
The Pantheon
Introducing the Greek gods and heroes, as well as creation myths and other myths and legends.
The River Styx - The Myths of Hades
Myths of the underworld, its king and inhabitants.
Thinkquest: Elysium
Site for students, newcomer or teachers interested in Greek mythology.
Thinkquest: Greek Mythology
Student project comprising a library of Greek myths and deities, and outline of the Odyssey and Heracles' Labours.
ThinkQuest: Greek Mythology Galore
Myths, information on deities, FAQ, glossary, and picture galleries.
Women in Greek Myths
A who's-who on all females in Greek mythology, with a section on Greek Men, and collection of myths.