english deutsch
Amaterasu: Out of the Cave and Into the Light
A tale of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu and the Storm God Susano-O.
Foundation and Creation Myths in Korea and Japan:
Comparative mythology article by Joo-Young Yoo, from the 1994 Berkeley McNair Journal.
Gods of Man: Japan
Listing of some of Japan's deities, excerpted from "The Gods of Man," by David W. Owens.
Japanese Gods and Goddesses
Names of deities and their attributes, from Chrissy's Dojo.
Japanese Myth
Short retellings of Japanese myths.
Japanese Mythology
Basic overview of Japan's deities and myths.
Japanese Mythology
Brief overview of Japanese deities, demons, and ghosts with art work.
Myth and Legend in Miyazaki
Myths connected to shrines in Miyazaki Prefecture in the southern part of Japan, the home of Japanese mythology.
The Kojiki
Excerpts of the "Kojiki", an 8th century official Japanese history that starts with the creation of the world, the deities, and Japan.