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Campbell, Joseph
Campbell, Star Wars and the Myth, Joseph Campbell, Joseph Campbell's Mythic Journey, Mythic Journeys, The Hero's Journey, The Joseph Campbell Foundation, Yahoo! Groups: Joseph Campbell Mythology Group
Claude Levi-Strauss: The Structural Study of Myth
Brief discussion of Lévi-Strauss' structural analyses of mythology.
Devdutt Pattanaik
Homepage of Indian mythologist specializing in Hindu myths.
Mythsinger - Explorations in Performative Mytholog
Daniel Deardorff focuses on apprehending myth by performing.
The Structural Study of Myth
Excerpt from Lévi-Strauss' article, including his analysis of the Oedipus myth.
Verlyn Flieger - Mythus
Specialist in myth studies and comparative mythology with a focus on modern fantasy novels.