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Ása: Norse Mythology Source Texts, Poetic Edda, Synopsis of Rydberg's Edda, The Eddas, The Poetic Edda, The Poetic Edda, The Poetic Edda, The Poetic Edda, The Prose Edda, The Prose Edda
A Bit of Swedish (and Scandinavic) History...
Overview of Norse mythology and sections on Loki and the Nornir and Disir.
A Dictionary of the Norse Gods
Brief dictionary of Norse mythology, from Viking lore to Odin and Yggdrasill.
Eddas and Sagas on the Internet
List of links to resources of Germanic literature, history, and mythology, including the Eddas, sagas, and Beowulf.
Germanic Mythology
Student project by Bridget Herrera, covering cosmography and the pantheon.
Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas
Germanic mythology and culture with a focus on Old Norse, including sections on deities and monuments.
Germanic Religion
Overview of Germanic (Teutonic) religion, excerpted from "The Encyclopedia of Religion."
Grimm's Teutonic Mythology
Complete texts of the four volume collection of Germanic mythology compiled by the Grimm Brothers.
Home of the Squirrel
The role of the squirrel in Norse mythology, along with some poems from the Edda and related essays.
In the Days of Giants: A Book of Norse Tales
By Abbie Farwell Brown (1902), e-text from the Baldwin Project.
Nordic Wisdom
Norse mythology including biographics of the gods, and myths such as "The Death of Balder".
Norse Fornnordisk Mytologi
English translation of the Hávamál, runic inscriptions and carvings, with images of runestones and deities.
Norse Mythology
Introduction to the main characters and tales of Norse mythology with bibliography by Nicole Cherry.
Norse Mythology
List of names from Norse mythology, from Infoplease.com.
Norse Mythology Page
Genealogy of the Norse deities, stories, and a list of personalities associated with Norse mythology.
Icelandic medieval literature online from Cornell Library.
Scandinavian Mythology and Folklore
List of names in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore, compiled by Scott Trimble.
Teutonic Mythology
Online book by Viktor Rydberg (1825-1895), discussing Germanic sagas and myths.
The Guild of the Runescratchers
Aims to awake the ancient heritage spirit, and create art in the form of runestones.
Thor's Gallery
The legend of Thor, the mighty god of thunder, in painting and story, by John Hagan.
Timeless Myths: Norse Mythology
Norse and German myths and legends with information and genealogy of heroes and deities.
Viking/Norse Religion
Introduction to the pre-Christian religious beliefs of the Scandinavian people.