english deutsch
Dada - Wave, DaDa Online, DadaMonster- Exploration of the Absurd, No More Words
Athena: Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal; Pierre Perr
Baudelaire's "Les Fleurs du Mal". A major voice of Modernism (often referred to as a Symbolist or Decadent also) and "Les Fleurs..." is his reigning masterpiece.
Bohemian Ink
Online review of contemporary literature and poetry with emphasis on Modernism and the Beat Generation.
English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920
"Offering book-length studies on turn-of-the-century British writers."
James Joyce
Online Resource Center Home Page
Modernism and the Modern Novel
Modernism and the Modern Novel
"Concentrating on the period extending roughly between 1860 to the present,M/M focuses systematically on the methodological, archival,and theoretical exigencies particular to modernism.It encourages an interdisiplinary approach linking music, literature,architecture, the visual arts ..."
Modernist Journals Project
Searchable texts of early 20th century journals and related materials. First project "The New Age" (London, 1907-1922)
Pasmo: A Page of Poetists
Original translations of the 1920s Czechoslovakian avant-garde movement influenced by constructivism, carnival, Marxism, Dadaism and the cinema.
Signifying Nothing: The Fourth Dimension in Modern
Essay from The Fourth Dimension, which includes a works by Modernist poets and a companion gallery of Modernist art.