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A Sampling of French Surrealist Poetry
Works by Desnos, Eluard, Réverdy and Soupault in English translation.
Exact Change
Publishes literary classics of surrealism, dada, fluxus, pataphysics, and other experimental art movements of the 19th and 20th century.
History of the Cadavre Exquis
Brief description of this artistic technique.
Magnetic Fields
Working group of surrealists in Minnesota.
No More Words
A "non-glossary" including brief profiles of various surrealists and dadaists.
Palimpsest by J. B. Sclisizzi
Collage poetry, short excerpts from books including Breton's Nadja.
Paul Colinet: Selected Prose Poems
Belgian Surrealist prose poems, translated.
Personal website of Eric W. Bragg
Features the art and books of this author and artist. Provides links to other pertinent surrealist sites.
Reading André Breton
Discusses André Breton's prose poetry and his idea of linked opposites.
Sightseeing in Paris with Baudelaire and Breton
A search for the historical meanings in Baudelaire and Breton's respective models of Parisian sightseeing.
Surrealism and Beyond
Briefly chronicles Gerald Keaney's involvement with Surrealism.
Surrealist Author Directory
Allows access to short biographies of various surrealist authors, usually including a sample or two of translated writings.
Surrealist Love Poems
Three poems by surrealist writers, from the book of the same name.
Surrealist Manifestos
Includes the translated Manifesto of Surrealism, Secrets of the Magical Surrealist Art, and A Surrealist Manifesto (written mostly by André Breton).
Surrealist Resources and Links
Many contemporary, international links for surrealism and related movements.
Surrealist Writers
Brief glossary of primary writers and precursors of the surrealist movement, with many links to sites on individual writers.
Glossary of artists, history of the movement, and Breton's _What is Surrealism_ (in English).
The Role of Automatic Writing in the Surrealist Mo
Article exploring the concepts behind "automatic writing" as it was embodied in Breton's texts.
The Surrealism Server
Extensive collection including a bibliography, image gallery, surrealist games, and the Surrealist Compliment Generator.
Contemporary blending of art and spirituality to create texts and performance art, influenced in part by surrealist methods.
What is Surrealism?
Essay by Andre Breton.