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About: Bacon, Francis, Biographies: Francis Bacon, Columbia Encyclopedia: Bacon, Francis, Encyclopedia.com: Bacon, Francis, Free Online Encyclopedia - Sir Francis Bacon, Free Online Library - Bacon, Sir Francis, Galileo Project: Bacon, Francis, Great Books: Bacon, Francis, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Francis Bacon, MSN Encarta: Bacon, Francis
Essays, Art Bin: The New Atlantis - Bacon, Francis, BaconLibrary, Catholic Encyclopedia: Baconian System of Philosop, Francis Bacon, The Great Instauration, Free Online Library - The Essays by Sir Francis Ba, Great Books Index - Francis Bacon, New Atlantis, Quotations, The New Atlantis, The Works of Sir Francis Bacon
American Baconiana
Published by the Bacon Society of America in 1923.
Empiricism Study Guide: Bacon, Francis
University of Portland professor's resource on British Renaissance literature includes this breakdown of Bacon's philosophical writings.
EpistemeLinks.com: Bacon, Francis
Collection of Links related to the philosophy of Sir Francis Bacon include links to biographies and brief reference Material.
Essays on the English Renaissance
Master's essays concerned mainly with the work of Sir Francis Bacon.
European Graduate School: Sir Francis Bacon
Sir Francis Bacon, Renaissance author, courtier, and father of deductive reasoning. Life, works, and resources of this english essayist and statesman.
Francis Bacon Overview
Biographical information, etexts, images, and links.
Francis Bacon Research Trust General Information
"The Trust is concerned with education in the life and works of the secret master, Sir Francis Bacon, the Rosicrucians and other key exponents of the Ancient (and Ageless) Wisdom associated with him or having a bearing on his work."
Luminarium: Sir Francis Bacon
An annotated list of resources and links, covering the life and works of Bacon.
Poems of Sir Francis Bacon
Though known for his essays, Bacon also wrote poetry. Sample two poems and link to a site that discusses the authorship of Shakespeare's work.
Sir Francis Bacon Meets The New Advancement of Lea
Bacon's life and work. Includes an interactive map of London during the 16th century.
Squashed Bacon
The condensed edition of Francis Bacon's 'The Advancement of Learning'