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Beowulf : a Concise Bibliography, Beowulf in Hypertext, Beowulf in Old English: ASPR Edition, Beowulf in Old English: Klaeber edition, Beowulf on Steorarume (Beowulf in Cyberspace), Beowulf Online Translations, Beowulf Scholars and Translators, Beowulf Study Guide, Beowulf: a Student's Bibliography, Beowulf: Child Translation
Pearl Poet, The
A Re-Hearing of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain and the Tree, Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Website, Sir Gawain and the Greene Knight, Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knyght
A Glossarial DataBase of Middle English
Offers text based search of middle English literature.
Anthology of Middle English Literature (1350-1485
Works, biographies, essays and articles on featured authors. Also includes mystery and morality plays and Middle English lyrics.
Baragona's Arthurian Legend
Resource site with bibliographies.
Baragona's Medieval Drama
Resource site, with bibliography.
Corpus of M.E. Prose and Verse
Searchable Middle English texts at the University of Michigan.
Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse Bibliogra
Internet archive which includes such works as "The Alliterative Morte Arthure" and "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" in their original, Middle-English forms, with heavy annotations.
Database of Middle English
Searchable text of the Canterbury Tales.
Doomsday Gateway
Multimedia computer project on the fifteenth-century York mystery plays. Exploring and presenting evidence of performance practice.
Four Arthurian Romances by Chretien DeTroyes
Complete online HTML text, extensively annotated.
Four Arthurian Romances by DeTroyes
A Project Gutenberg etext.
Gladly Lerne and Gladly Teche
Essays on various aspects of medieval studies, in honour of Professor Thomas J. Garbaty.
Medieval Imagination
Medieval resources for Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman and Middle-English Literature.
Medieval Institute Publications
Based in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Information on works and periodicals published.
Middle English Dictionary
Ongoing project offering analysis of lexicon and usage for the period 1100-1500.
Middle English Plays
Texts of plays, articles and resources from The Luminarium.
NetSERF: Medieval Literature by Author
Works organised by title and author, with links to collections of works.
Sir Gowther
Analysis of the Middle English Breton lay.
The English Royal Forest
Provides a description and history of the legal institution of the English Royal Forest, especially as it relates to the Middle English romance "Gamelyn" and several other works.
The Labyrinth
Resources for medieval studies, including original texts of literary works.
The Middle English Collection
Online texts at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia.
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
The Project Gutenberg etext.
Welsh Authors - Medieval Texts
Drop-down author/title list, Welsh language help and texts.