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Biography of Luigi Pirandello
Biography by the Nobel Foundation.
ClassicNotes: Henry IV
Full summary and analysis of Henry IV by Luigi Pirandello written by Harvard students. Includes a biography, message board, and background information on the play.
ClassicNotes: Luigi Pirandello
Biography of the writer. Also includes summary and analysis of several plays.
ClassicNotes: Six Characters in Search of an Autho
Full summary and analysis written by Harvard students. Includes a biography, message board, and background information on the play.
Luigi Pirandello
Winner of the 1934 Nobel Prize in Literature.
Luigi Pirandello
A short biography.
Luigi Pirandello (1867 - 1936)
Features a biography of the Italian playwright and links to his works.
Luigi Pirandello: A Biographical Sketch
From the Pirandello Lyceum.
World Literature Author Research Project--Luigi Pi
A brief biography and list of resources.