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Hark, Tsui
The Unofficial Tsui Hark Site, Tsui Hark, Tsui Hark, Tsui Hark, Tsui Hark - Hong Kong's Little Big Man
Hartley, Hal
Hal Hartley, Hal Hartley, The Onion AV Club: Hal Hartley
Hawks, Howard
Movies, Encyclopedia.com: Hawks, Howard Winchester, Howard Hawks, Howard Hawks, Howard Hawks, Howard Hawks, Howard Hawks (1896 - 1977)
Haynes, Todd
Movies, The Onion AV Club: Todd Haynes, Todd Haynes' Black Couch, Unsafe
Heckerling, Amy
Movies, Amy-Heckerling.com (unofficial), Detroit Metro Times, Onion AV Club: Amy Heckerling., TV-Now, Washington Times
Herzog, Werner
Movies, Herzog, Werner, Werner Herzog, Werner Herzog Film
Hill, George Roy
Movies, Box Office Data for the Movies of George Roy Hill, Director George Roy Hill Dies Aged 81, George Roy Hill, George Roy Hill, George Roy Hill, George Roy Hill, George Roy Hill 1921 - 2002, Magic of Sundance Creator
Hill, Walter
Movies, Interview - Walter Hill, Not Over the Hill as Veteran Director Walter Deliv, Walter Hill, Walter Hill, Walter Hill - Not Just a Peckinpah Wannabe, Walter Hill Rides the Western Wave
Hitchcock, Alfred
Movies, A Tribute to Alfred Hitchcock, About: Celebrating the Hitchcock Centennial, Advertising Hitchcock, Advertising Hitchcock, Alfred Hitchcock, Alfred Hitchcock - Auteur, Alfred Hitchcock - Cosmopolis, Alfred Hitchcock Archive, Alfred Hitchcock at Reel Classics, Alfred Hitchcock DVD Information Site
Hooper, Tobe
Movies, IMDb.com - Tobe Hooper, The Official Website of Tobe Hooper, The Onion AV Club: Tobe Hooper
Hughes, John
Movies, John Hughes, John Hughes Files
Huston, John
Movies, Film Noir Directors: John Huston, IMDb: John Huston, NYTimes: John Huston, Film Director, Writer and Ac, TV-Now: John Huston
Hallström, Lasse
Fan site with biography, filmography, picture gallery, forum, and links.
Harangi, Tamas
Biography, completed films, and project in the works.
Harrison, Greg
Interview with the director about his film "Groove", and the rave scene in the California.
Hellman, Monte
The Onion AV Club interviews the director of the legendary Two-Lane Blacktop on road movies and directing James Taylor.
Hellman, Monte
Fan site with biography, filmography, video clips, photographs, and links.
Hernandez, Lou
Biography and a photograph.
Hunter, Simon
Official site for the British director. Includes press clippings, film and commercial details, photographs, and links.