english deutsch
Tarkovsky, Andrei
Boston Phoenix - Mirror, mirror, Canadian Film Institute - Films of Andrei Tarkovsk, IMDB - Andrei Tarkovsky, Leadership University - Andrei Tarkovsky, National Gallery of Art - Andrei Tarkovsky, New Times - Andrei Tarkovsky, Nostalghia.com, Ottawaplus.ca - Andrei Tarkovsky Film Retrospectiv, SensesOfCinema - Andrei Tarkovsky, Skywalking - Andrei Tarkovsky Film Forum
Tati, Jacques
Tativille, The Genius of Jacques Tati
Taurog, Norman
All Movie Guide: Norman Taurog, IMDb: Norman Taurog
Tourneur, Jacques
Movies, Jacques Tourneur, Jacques Tourneur, Jacques Tourneur - The Cinema of Nightfall, The Auteur of Darkness - Jacques Tourneur, The Cinema of Nightfall - Jacques Tourneur, The Dark Shadows of Jacques Tourneur, The Films of Jacques Tourneur, The Leopard Man by Jacques Tourneur, Whispers in a Distant Corridor - The Cinema of Jac
Truffaut, Fran+ºois
Movies, Francois Truffaut, François Truffaut
Tykwer, Tom
Cool Directors of Independent Films: Tom Tykwer, Musicolog: Tom Tykwer, PopMatters: Tom Tykwer and Franka Potente, Project A: Tykwer's Run, Tykwer-online.de
Tamjidi, Hamid
Iranian writer, director and producer.
Tarr, Béla
Interview with the Hungarian director about Werckmeister Harmonies.
Temple, Julien
The Onion AV Club interviews the filmmaker about the timing of his new film, making music videos, and the legacy of The Sex Pistols.
Tregenza, Rob
Film synopses and reviews.
Treu, Blair
Biography and filmography, with synopsis of films, of the award-winning director of the Power Rangers family films.
Tsukamoto, Shinya
Official site of the Japanese director of Tetsuo and Bullet Ballet. Biography, filmography, photographs, and links.
Tutak, Robert
NYC based award-winning writer-director. Site contains information about his films, screenplays, and upcoming film projects.