english deutsch
A Thrill In The Dark
Description of the medium plus information on optical systems, components, lanterns types and slide identification.
A Victorian Magic Lantern
Slides of a show in Norfolk are displayed and explained.
Antique Lantern Slides
Different slide types are explained, slides are shown.
de Luikerwaal: Magic Lantern
The history of the magic lantern is explained, pictures of lanterns and slides are shown.
George Eastman House: Pre-Cinema Project
The on-line image collection shows different slides.
Lanterns, slides and historical lanternists are presented, the different methods of creating the light are explained.
Magic Lantern Castle Museum
Museum dedicated solely to the history of the Magic Lantern. [USA, Texas]
Magic Lantern India.
William Henry Jackson's Magic Lantern Slides of India in 1895
Magic Lantern Shop
Specialised in magic lantern and pre-cinema material. A link to ebay-auctions is given [UK].
Magic Lantern Society of United States and Canada
Dedicated to collecting and sharing information about these antique precursors to modern day movies and slides. Membership information available.
Magic Lantern, Toverlantaarn
Short description of the history of the lantern. Included are some animations and the oldest drawing of a magic lantern, date 1420.
Panelectric Living Sinema
A lantern show is offered and presented.
Professor Clark's Virtual Magic Lantern Show
Dedicated to sharing antique lantern history and entertainment including movies and slide shows. Provides period images, descriptions, and slide of the month.
Professor Heard's Magic Lantern Shows
The history of lanterns is explained, a programme is presented.
The American Magic-Lantern Theater
The repertoire is listed, a schedule is available.
The Magic Lantern Society
The society and their activities in preserving the technology are presented. Details of their conferences, library, and membership. [UK]