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Advise A Movie
Based on users' answers about their favourite films, provides recommendations for other films the users might like. Questions are tailored to individual films, not generic.
Cinema Delicious
Personal enjoyment ratings for mostly non-mainstream movies.
Each film's page features a list of syndicated critics' ratings of the film, links to their reviews, as well as quotes from two critics with opposing views.
Everyone's a Critic
Allows users to rate films and compare their ratings to those of other users to obtain movie recommendations [free registration required].
Rates films based on a formula which involves viewer expectations and actual viewing experience.
Film Affinity
Allows users to rate movies and find people with similar tastes [registration required].
Gary's Movie Reviews and Ratings
Yearly ratings charts for new releases as well as video rentals, by two contributors. Some films are reviewed.
Matchstick Movie Finder
Requests 5 titles to generate a list of 10 related films, based on the preferences of other users and the extent to which the titles are related.
Movie Kites
Graphical representations of film ratings on several dimensions; looks like a flying kite. The smaller the kite is, the more profound the movie is.
Movie Lens
Users must rate some movies they have watched before. Based on the results, users get a personal rating prediction for other films. [Login required]
Ratings of films dating back to the 1920s. Some films have full reviews by Luc-Rock Paquin.
The Film Pie
Assigns grades to films released from 1996 to present.
Topher's Composite Godzilla Movie Ratings
Movie ratings on all Godzilla movies by five qualified experts with a composite score also given.
Wait For Video
User-provided ratings for movies currently playing in theaters, with demographic breakdown by gender, location, marital status, and ethnicity.