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24 Hour Party People
Following the making of Michael Winterbottom's new film, the rise and fall of Factory Records, and remembering the 'Madchester' Manchester, UK club scene.
Fools Gold: Party People Movie
Stone Roses tribute band talk about their role in the film.
HARO Online: 24 Hour Party People
Mongoose reviews the movie.
IMDb: 24 Hour Party People
Synopsis, cast and crew, and user comments.
Metacritic: 24 Hour Party People
Provides quotes from and links to film reviews and an overall score.
Rotten Tomatoes: 24 Hour Party People
Links to reviews, photos, the trailer, and a public forum.
Shotbybothsides: Shooting the Past
Article taken from The Guardian written by Paul Morley about the making of the film, in particular the likeness between the cast and the people they are playing.
Spiked-culture: Factory or fiction?
Interview with Anthony H Wilson, looking in particular at how he is portrayed in the film.