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All-Reviews.com: Ararat
Review by Harvey Karten; three out of four stars.
Official site for the Atom Egoyan film. Includes synopsis, trailer [Quick Time 5], and show times.
Ararat Original Armenian Motion Picture Score Soun
Includes downloadable files from the Canadian director Atom Egoyan's movie.
Ararat the Movie
Dedicated to Atom Egoyan's movie. Includes excerpts of reviews.
Bruce Greenwood: Ararat
Production information from one of the stars, with articles, multimedia, and links.
HARO Online: Ararat
Mongoose's review. "Egoyan has some lofty goals, but is not quite able to reach them with 'Ararat.'" Rated "not that good."
Metacritic: Ararat
Quotes from and links to reviews, with viewer comments and an overall rating.
Rotten Tomatoes: Ararat
Quotes from and links to reviews, photographs, trailer, and discussion forum.
Upcomingmovies.com: Ararat
Capsule description of the film, scheduled for 2002 release.