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About.com: Austin Powers in Goldmember
Ivana Redwine reviews the film on DVD.
All-Reviews.com: Austin Powers in Goldmember
Reviews of the movie.
CitizenCaine: Goldmember
Film review, images, and links.
Countdown to Austin Powers 3 : Goldmember
Trailer, images and message board.
HARO Online: Austin Powers in Goldmember
Haro's review: "...the sort of lightweight piffle that is funny for the moment, and loses steam quickly after the viewing."
Hollywood.com: Austin Powers In Goldmember
Synopsis, partial cast and crew list, filming location.
Killer Movies: Austin Powers in Goldmember
Synopsis, multimedia, and related news.
Metacritic.com: Austin Powers in Goldmember
Quotes from and links to reviews of the film, as well as user comments.
Movie Lords: Austin Powers 3 - Goldmember
Review, cast information, pictures, and links.
Movies for Guys: Austin Powers in Goldmember
Billy Bob's review: "...more than enough funny parts and new stuff to make this addition to the Austin Powers series worthwhile." 4 out of 5 stars.
Moving Pictures: Austin Powers in Goldmember
Keyser Soze's mostly favorable review: "This should appeal to all comedy fans. It's a must-watch for those who liked the first two." 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Popkorn Junkie: Austin Powers in Goldmember
Patsy's mostly favorable review: "If you like Austin Powers movies then this film is surely for you." Includes user comments.
Rotten Tomatoes: Austin Powers in Goldmember
Trailers, photographs, synopsis, news articles, and a public forum.
SFcrowsnest.com: Goldmember
Review by Frank Ochieng.
The Celebrity Cafe: Goldmember
Paula Zecca reviews the film.