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All-Reviews.com: Batman, Allwatchers Batman Spotlight, Filmtracks: Batman, IMDb: Batman, MovieMusic.com: Batman, Roger Ebert on Movies: Batman, Scorereviews.com: Batman
Batman and Robin
Cast and Crew, All-Reviews.com: Batman & Robin, Allwatchers Review - Batman And Robin, Brunching Shuttlecocks: Batman and Robin, Filmtracks: Batman and Robin, IMDb: Batman & Robin, Nashville Scene: Batman & Robin, Roger Ebert on Movies: Batman & Robin
Batman Begins
Batman Five Message Board, Cinema Confidential: Batman 5, Conquer Your Fear, IGN Filmforce: Batman Begins
Batman Forever
Cast and Crew, All-Reviews.com, Allwatchers Review - Batman Forever, Filmtracks: Batman Forever, IMDb: Batman Forever, New Challenges for the Caped Crusader, Review: Batman Forever, Roger Ebert on Movies: Batman Forever
Batman Returns
Allwatchers Review - Batman Returns, Filmtracks: Batman Returns, IMDb: Batman Returns, Roger Ebert on Movies: Batman Returns, Scorereviews.com: Batman Returns, The Daily Script: Batman Returns
Batman Movie Online
Fan page with behind the scenes photos, articles, Topps movie cards, lost scenes, fan art, and message board.
Batman On Film
News and updates about the Batman films. Also includes reviews, commentary, and message forum. [May load slowly due to JavaScript.]
Batman Sucks Forever
A screenplay for a Batman parody of colossal proportions. This hysterical spoof relentlessly mocks the entire Batman movie franchise.
Batman vs. Superman
Features a humorous statistical comparison, history, and news about the upcoming film.
Batman: The Dark Knight
Information about the four movies. Cast and crew, production design, soundtracks, synopses, scripts, reviews, picture galleries, and games.
Batman: The Movie, The Site
Bios for the heroes and villians, plot and summary of the movie, screen grabs, and a DVD review for the Adam West 1966 Batman flick.
Christophernolan.net: Batman 5
News about the upcoming adaptation directed by Christopher Nolan.
Darren Aronofsky Online- Batman: Year One
A page with accurate news and information about the upcoming movie.
Gotham Globe Online
News about the series in the form of a newspaper.
Legends of the Dark Knight
Collecing news and information on the old and future Batman films.
Focus on the comic books.
WWWF Ground Zero: Battle of the Batmen
Keaton, Kilmer, Clooney and West battle for the right to wear the batsuit. [A humor website]