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Apollo Movie Guide: The Bedroom Window
Synopsis, cast, review by Erik Childress, and links.
CultureDose.net: The Bedroom Window
Review of the movie by Jack Sommersby: "...breathtakingly assured, imaginative, nerve-jangling, and just plain entertaining."
Internet Movie Database: Bedroom Window, The
Plot summary, cast and crew, reviews, production information, distribution details, soundtrack listing, and links.
ReelViews: The Bedroom Window
James Berardinelli's review: "...a screenplay that becomes top-heavy and unwieldy as a result of its determination to offer a surprise at every corner."
The Bedroom Window
Rita Kempley of the Washington Post brands the film "a cockamamie mystery."
The Celebrity Cafe: The Bedroom Window
A review of the movie by Lynda Dale MacLean. "...a slick, intelligent, well-crafted movie."