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All-Reviews.com - Bruce Almighty
Reviews of the movie.
Bruce Almighty
Official site with trailer, DVD features, synopsis, cast, production information, downloads, e-cards, and soundtrack details.
CinemaSavvy - Bruce Almighty
Review with box-office information and soundtrack listings.
God's Power as an Ego Trip for an Id
Critique with ratings advice and a list of the main cast and crew [New York Times].
HARO Online: Bruce Almighty
Haro reviews the movie.
Hollywood Jesus: Bruce Almighty
Review by David Bruce. Includes films spiritual and Biblical connections and movie trailer.
KillerMovies: Bruce Almighty
Synopsis, cast and crew, multimedia, and articles.
Metacritic.com: Bruce Almighty
Film information, excerpts from reviews, reader comments, and an overall score.
Movies for Guys: Bruce Almighty
Review of the film from the male perspective.
Rotten Tomatoes: Bruce Almighty
Links to reviews, photos, trailers, and a public forum.
The Billings Outpost: Bruce Almighty
Josh Gilchrist's review of the movie.
The Celebrity Cafe: Bruce Almighty
Michael McDonough reviews the movie.
World of Movies - Bruce Almighty
Film information, cast and crew, photo gallery, reviews, and links.