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All-Reviews.com: Cat People
Review of the movie by Dragan Antulov.
Apollo Movie Guide: Cat People
Jamie Gillies' review: "Not nearly as suspenseful (as the original) and seems largely an excuse to look at a disrobed Nastassja Kinski." Score of 58.
DVD Verdict
Judge Mike Pinsky's review of the film and DVD features: "...not particularly scary, and its sexual content is a little overstylized to be very erotic, but its sense of atmosphere is strong and the art design looks great."
Filmcritic.com: Cat People
Christopher Null's review: "There's a certain air of romance to the movie, but it's more 'Red Shoe Diaries' than 'Sense and Sensibility.'" Three out of five stars.
Home Theater Info: Cat People
Favorable review of the film and DVD features: "It's increasingly rare now but there are some remakes that can stand on their own as a worthwhile film."
Internet Movie Database: Cat People
Synopsis, cast and crew, reviews, bloopers, soundtrack listing, related films, trivia, technical details, promotional information, and links.
Needcoffee.com DVD Review: Cat People
ScottC's review of the film and the disc's features: "If you are interesting in the making of film or of naked chicks running around in the swamp, Cat People may be of interest, but otherwise don't bother."
Rotten Tomatoes: Cat People
Collection of links to reviews with an overall rating.
The Q Network Film Desk: Cat People
James Kendrick's review with list of DVD features: "In some ways, 'Cat People' is like 'Exorcist II,' particularly in terms of its sloppy storytelling, but it is more grounded and features much better acting." 2.5 out of 5 stars.
The SF, Horror and Fantasy Film Review: Cat People
Richard Scheib's review: "On its own terms 'Cat People' is unevenly well made."