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All-Reviews.com- The Cell
A collection of reviews.
Allwatchers.com Review: The Cell
Detailed analysis of the Jennifer Lopez film, and links to similar movies. Sign up to be a movie scholar on the site.
Apollo Movie Guide - The Cell
Contains a review, links, and cast information.
AskMen.com - The Cell
Male perspective movie review.
Box Office Mojo - The Cell
Daily box office data for The Cell. Includes a comparison with other New Line thrillers.
Cinephiles - The Cell
A review of the film.
HARO Online - The Cell
Review of the film.
Hollywood.com - The Cell
Review of the film.
IMDb - The Cell (2000)
Includes cast, credits, and comments.
Links to reviews on other sites.
MovieGurus.com: The Cell
Review of the film.
MusicOMH.com - The Cell
Preview and plot synopsis of The Cell.
PopMatters - The Cell
Review of the film.
Rotten Tomatoes: The Cell (2000)
Includes reviews, a synopsis, media predictions, trailers, interviews, photographs, and news.
The Cell
Official site with plot and character information.
Upcomingmovies.com: The Cell
A preview of the film.
A review and related links along with several photographs.