english deutsch
Dracula - 1931
Bright Lights Film Journal, Greatest Films - Dracula (1931), IMDb - Dracula (1931), Red Carpet Movies: Dracula, TV Guide Online: Dracula
Dracula - 1992
Cast and Crew, All-Reviews.com: Bram Stoker's Dracula, Apollo Leisure Guide, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Reel Cinema: Dracula, The Lucy Westenra Clique, VnS Dictionary: Dracula
Dracula 2000
Cast and Crew, All-Reviews.com: Dracula 2000, Apollo Movie Guide - Dracula 2000, E! Online: Dracula 2000, HARO Online, Horror Movies That Suck: Dracula 2000, IGN FilmForce: Dracula 2000, IMDb: Dracula 2000, Metacritic.com: Dracula 2000, Movies.com: Dracula 2000, RottenTomatoes: Dracula 2000
Dracula Vs. Frankenstein
IMDb: Dracula Vs. Frankenstein (1971), Rotten Tomatoes: Dracula Vs. Frankenstein
Nosferatu - 1922
Apollo Movie Guide: Nosferatu, IMDb: Nosferatu (1922), Nosferatu, Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror, TV Guide Online: Nosferatu
Links to synopses and cast and crew details for most of the films featuring the character.
Dracula - Prince of Darkness
Reviews of several films featuring the character.
Dracula Has Risen from the Grave
Review compares Christopher Lee's portrayal with Bela Lugosi's.
Dracula Sucks
Film versions of the character from four generations.
Dracula's Gallery
A gallery of images from the various film and stage adaptations of Bram Stoker's novel.
Dracula, Prince of Darkness
Discusses the evolution of the Hammer character, with an emphasis on the 1966 release.
Horror of Dracula
Compares Hammer's "The Curse of Frankenstein" to "The Horror of Dracula".
Hypnosis in Media: Dracula
Focuses on the three Dracula movies to feature hypnosis.
Interview Extract: Christopher Lee
The actor gives his thoughts on his various portrayals of the character for Hammer Films.