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All-Reviews.com: Empire
Multiple movie reviews.
Chicago Sun-Times: Empire
Roger Ebert's review: ..."'Empire' comes so close to working that you can see there from here. It has the right approach and the right opening premise, but it lacks the zest and it goes for a plot twist instead of trusting the material." 2.5 out of 5 stars.
Official site with synopsis, pictures, production notes, trailer, TV spots and soundtrack information. [Also in Spanish.]
HARO - Empire
Pseudonymously signed review (predominantly negative), rating.
Internet Movie Database: Empire (2002)
Cast and crew listing, user comments, plot summary, box office information, pictures, and box office details.
Pop Matters: Empire
Unfavorable review by Cynthia Fuchs.
Rotten Tomatoes: Empire
Links to reviews, multimedia, synopsis, cast information, and forum.
The New York Times: "Why the South Bronx
Elvis Mitchell's review: "Maybe there are no new ideas under the sun, but 'Empire,' the gangster's-paradise drama set in the South Bronx, leaves no cliché unturned; it's 'Old Jack City.'" [Free registration required.]
Toronto Sun: "How the Empire Falls"
Jim Slotek's review: "'Empire' is to 'Scarface' as 'Hogan's Heroes' is to 'Stalag 17,' minus the laughtrack."