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Blogslut: Fahrenheit 9/11
West Texan views the movie and gives an assessment of the audience.
Buzzflash - Military Families Call on Bush to See
A group of military and 9/11 families say President Bush and everyone in Washington should see Fahrenheit 9/11.
Chicago Sun-Times - Moore Shows Us the Real Bush
Observations about the documentary, its impact, and media censorship.
Columbus Free Press - Fahrenheit 911 Is Fair and B
Article that criticizes more moderate and mainstream journalists who attack Moore for raising political issues, but then ignore volumes of information readily available to back up Moore's claims.
Disney Stops Miramax From Releasing Michael Moore&
Alleges that political pressure was applied to block distribution of the film. Also includes a letter from Disney CEO Eisner defending his decision.
Does Disney have the right to block Miramax from d
Discusses if Disney should block Miramax from distributing Moore's film, from a business perspective.
Even Republicans and Military Members Applaud Fahr
Kevin J. Shay investigates military families', conservatives' and GOP followers' reactions to the film.
Fahrenheit 9/11: Luring TV Viewers to the Theater
A television news writer notes that the movie is bringing people to theaters to see the news, similar to the era before TV when people saw newsreels there. Also explores previous projects by Michael Moore.
Fifty-Nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 911
David Kopel of the Independence Institute addresses Michael Moore's film in detail. PDF summary available in multiple languages.
Guardian Unlimited Film: Fahrenheit 9/11
Ongoing collection of news, comment, and analysis of the film, filmmaker Michael Moore, and the public and critical response.
Indiana Gazette - Movie Elicits Strong Reaction Fr
Documents film's effects on viewers in Indiana, Pennsylvania, shows that reviews are overwhelmingly positive, and makes people discuss issues long after the closing credits.
Michael Moore Film Faces Disney Censorship
The New York Times reports the Disney corporation is forbidding its subsidiary, Miramax Films, to distribute Michael Moore's Farenheit 9/11.
Michael Moore's Candid Camera
Sympathetic review of Fahrenheit 9/11 and its criticisms of the Bush administration. Reveals some of the movie's contents. Reprinted from the New York Times.
OpEd News - Deception; Desperate Right Wing Attack
Offers a point by point rebuttal to "59 Deceits in Fahrenheit 911" by David Kopel, and asserts Kopel's attacks were dishonest, vicious, and inaccurate.
The Bushes and the Bin Ladens: Passionate anti-war
Story on the film's reception at the Cannes film festival and its chances of winning the Palme d'Or.