english deutsch
3 Black Chicks: Femme Fatale
Review by Kamal "The Diva" Larsuel-Ulbricht.
All-Reviews.com: Femme Fatale
Reviews of the movie.
Dramatic/Romantic Movies: Femme Fatale
Information on the film, photos, credits, and links.
Femme Fatale
Official site with synopsis, cast and crew, photographs, downloads, and trailer.
HARO Online: Femme Fatale
Haro reviews the film.
Internet Movie Database: Femme Fatale (2002)
Credits, reviews and ratings, trivia, bloopers, promotional information, technical details, multimedia, and links.
Rotten Tomatoes: Femme Fatale
Links to reviews, multimedia, synopsis, cast and crew information, and forum.
Vector Matrix: Femme Fatale
Review and commentary by Brian De Palma.