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All-Reviews.com: Ghostbusters
Movie review and rating.
CBUB Fights: Ghostbusters vs. The X-Files
The Ghostbusters take on the X-files to see who are the true masters of the paranormal.
Coming Attractions
Rumors of the upcoming sequel Ghostbusters 3
Details about the movies, soundtrack, and games with various multimedia. Features a poll, users comments, and fan fiction.
eraser99's Ghostbusters Prop Page
Plans for building Ghostbuster movie props.
Ghostbuster World
Information on all Ghostbuster related items, includes some images.
Ghostbusters Fan Forum
Art, multimedia, fan fiction, and links to official Ghostbuster celebrity sites are included here.
Ghostbusters Prop Archvie
Build replica props from the movie including the Proton Pack and Ghost Trap. Includes pictures and text on creating the props.
Ghostbusters Training Central
Interactive training guide on the proton pack, includes a final exam, spirit guide and equipment plans.
Ghostbusters, Inc: Alaskan Division
In-character fan site with prop descriptions, news articles, photographs, and links.
IMDb - Ghostbusters
Cast/crew information with user comments, ratings, and synopsis.
Mr. Stay Puft's World o' Sounds
Multiple wav files from each main character, other multimedia and various links.
Proton Charging
One of the largest and oldest Ghostbuster sites online.
Read the review by Birgitte S.C.
The 80's Movies Rewind
Movie review, filming locations, pictures, trivia, soundtrack information and links.
The Ghostbusters Fictional Home Page
Represents what the business homepage might look like if the Ghostbusters were really in business.
Tom's Comedy Quotes
Quotes and photos from Ghostbusters and other Murray, Aykroyd movies
TV Guide Online: Ghostbusters
3 1/2 star movie review, plot, cast, picture, and background information.
WWWF Grudge Match: Beetlejuice vs. The Ghostbuster
The Ghostbusters land an extermination job out in the country...