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All-Reviews.com- Goodfellas
Review of the movie
Allwatchers Review - Goodfellas
Detailed analysis of the Robert De Niro film, and links to similar movies. Sign up to be a movie scholar on the site.
GoneMovie.com: Goodfellas
Synopsis, multimedia, and trivia.
Goodfellas Movie Clips
Clips from the film in Windows Media format.
Goodfellas Multimedia Web Page
Pictures, sound clips, videos and music from the film.
Greatest Films - GoodFellas
Detailed review, synopsis and discussion of the film
IMDb - GoodFellas
Cast/credits plus additional information about the film
Metacritic.com: Goodfellas
Links to movie reviews.
Reel Faces - Goodfellas
Explores the real people featured in the film's story, with photographs and related links.
The Celebrity Cafe: Henry Hill
An interview with the ex-mobster who was the inspiration for "Goodfellas".
The Dark Knights of Goodfellas
Scorsese's wiseguy gangsters as modern-day knights.
TV Guide Online: Goodfellas
4 star review, plot, cast, picture, and background information.
Wiseguys: The GoodFellas Website
A comprehensive collection of GoodFellas multimedia and information.