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All-Reviews.com - Green Mile, The, Apollo Leisure Guide - Green Mile, The, HARO Online - The Green Mile, Movies for Guys - The Green Mile, PopMatters - The Green Mile, Rotten Tomatoes - Green Mile, The, Shade.ca: The Green Mile, The Green Mile, The Green Mile Movies, Videoflicks.com - Green Mile, The
Box Office Mojo
Box office data since day one, including comparisons to other related movies.
Cinema Desktop Themes: The Green Mile
Wallpapers and screensavers from the movie.
Synopsis, review, analysis and message board.
DailyCollage.com: The Green Mile
Original wallpapers (1024x768 and 800x600).
Filmtracks: The Green Mile
Soundtrack review, track list, audio clips, reader comments, and ratings.
Green Mile, The
Official site with plot and character information.
I Hate the Green Mile
For those who disliked the film version of "The Green Mile".
IMDb: The Green Mile
Cast/credits plus additional information about the film
Links to reviews on other sites.
Cast/crew information with detailed synopsis of the film. Includes film stills.
Un-Official: The Green Mile
First draft of the film's screenplay by Frank Darabont.