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All-Reviews.com: Harry Potter and the Chamber of S
Collection of reviews of the movie.
BBC: Harry Potter
Review, articles and interviews with the director and actors.
Chamber of Secrets Movie News
News, rumors, filming locations, cast details, trivia, and links.
Chamber of Secrets Movie News
News articles, filming locations, trivia quiz, and previews.
Fidelio Film: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secr
Review: "Dark and gory, Harry Potter sequel lacks the fun of the first one."
Filmtracks: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret
Soundtrack review, audio clips, and ratings.
Flipside Movie Emporium: Harry Potter and the Cham
Positive review by Rob Vaux.
HARO Online: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secre
Haro reviews the movie.
IMDb: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Cast, crew, and production information.
KillerMovies: Harry Potter 2
Synopsis, trailer, and related news.
Movie Lords: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secre
Film information, cast, review, and links.
Movies For Guys: Harry Potter and the Chamber of S
Review of the film, with ratings targeted toward a male audience.
Rotten Tomatoes: Harry Potter and the Chamber of S
The movie guide includes a photo, description, and a fan forum.
Scorereviews.com: Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Soundtrack review, sound clip, track list, and user comments.
Scotland the Movie Location Guide: Harry Potter an
Scottish filming locations for the film, with pictures.
Upcomingmovies.com: Harry Potter and the Chamber o
News, rumors, and production information.
Zap2it.com: Chamber of Secrets
Synopsis, image gallery, and news.