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All-Reviews.com: I Dreamed of Africa (2000)
Collection of movie reviews.
Allwatchers Review: I Dreamed Of Africa
Analytical review of the plot, setting, theme, and structure of the film and links to similar movies.
Apollo Movie Guide
Review, cast information, and trailer.
Chicago Sun-Times: I Dreamed of Africa
Roger Ebert's review.
HARO Online: I Dreamed of Africa
A review of the film.
Hollywood.com: I Dreamed of Africa
Synopsis, review and other information.
I Dreamed of Africa
Official site with plot and credits.
IMDb: I Dreamed of Africa (2000)
Cast and credits, user ratings, and plot synopsis.
MovieWeb: I Dreamed Of Africa
Plot description, production information, credits, and pictures.
PopMatters: I Dreamed of Africa
Review of the film.
Rotten Tomatoes: I Dreamed of Africa
Reviews, synopsis, media predictions, trailers, interviews, photos, and news.
The Nitpickers Site: I Dreamed of Africa
User-submitted bloopers and mistakes.
Upcomingmovies.com: I Dreamed of Africa
Preview of the film.
Zap2it.com: I Dreamed of Africa
Review of the film and cast list.