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All-Reviews.com - The Italian Job
Reviews of the movie.
Chicago Sun-Times - The Italian Job
Roger Ebert presents a film directed by F. Gary Gray.
Chicago Tribune - The Italian Job
Michael Wilmington reviews the heist movie.
Cinema Savvy: The Italian Job
Summary, review, box office information, and soundtrack listing.
Dallas Observer - Film Safe, Cracked
Robert Wilonsky states that the remake, a steal, is better than the original.
HARO Online: The Italian Job
Haro reviews the remake: "The problem is that there is a little more nothing than usual, so this film is immediately forgettable."
Internet Movie Database: Italian Job, The
Plot summary, cast and crew, reviews, user ratings and comments, quotations, trivia, soundtrack listing, merchandising details, production and distribution information, photographs, multimedia, and links.
Los Angeles Times - Fast And Furious And Funny Too
Kevin Thomas reviews the remake of a '69 caper movie.
Miami Herald -The Italian Job
Connie Ogle reviews the remake of the 1969 Michael Caine film starring three souped-up, fast-moving Mini Coopers.
Movies for Guys: The Italian Job
Review of the film with ratings of interest to a male audience.
Movies.com - The Italian Job
Overview, technical information, related news, comparison of critics' ratings, multimedia, and links.
New York Metro - The Italian Job
Peter Rainer reviewing the elaborate techno-heist thriller.
New York Times - The Italian Job
Stephen Holden analyzes the sleek, ticking remake of the 1969 film starring Michael Caine and Noël Coward.
OregonLive.com - The Italian Job
Kim Morgan reviews the remake of F. Gary Gray's movie, a solid, though not exceptional, heist film.
Philadelphia Inquirer - The Italian Job
Steven Rea reviewing the rip-roaring heist flick.
ReelViews - Italian Job, The (2003)
A Film Review by James Berardinelli.
Rotten Tomatoes: The Italian Job (2003)
Links to reviews, photographs, the trailer, and a discussion forum.
Salon.com - The Italian Job
Stephanie Zacharek reviews F. Gary Gray's wonderfully choreographed and entertaining remake of the 1969 heist film.
San Francisco Chronicle - Rip-Off Artistry
Mick LaSalle reviews the movie, about Sutherland leading quirky crooks through gripping Venetian heist in 'The Italian Job'.
Seattle Post Intelligencer - Theron Worth Her Weig
William Arnold reviews the movie and the performance of actress Charlize Theron.
Slate - Another Heist Movie
The inspired clichés of The Italian Job - a film review by David Edelstein.
The Italian Job
Official site with plot, cast and crew, production details, photographs, and trailer [requires Flash].
Variety.com - The Italian Job
Robert Koehler reviews the remake of the satisfying 1969 caper, moving through the paces with a light, confident grace very much its own.
Washington Post - The Italian Job - Just a Little
Stephen Hunter reviews F. Gary Gray's reinterpretation of the 1969 film featuring Minis.
Washington Post - The Italian Job - Payback Playba
Michael O'Sullivan analyzes F. Gary Gray's loose yet oddly slavish remake of the 1969 crime caper.