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Flipside Movie Emporium: The Kid Stays in the Pict
Review by Eric Beltmann.
HARO Online: The Kid Stays in the Picture
Mongoose's review: "According to Robert Evans, there are three sides to every story; your side, his side, and the truth. To hear him tell his story is so immensely entertaining that no one cares how much is truth and how much is Evans' view of the truth." Rated "pretty good."
Internet Movie Database: The Kid Stays in the Pict
Cast and crew listing, user comments, press links, quotes, trailers and images.
Rotten Tomatoes: The Kid Stays in the Picture
Links to reviews, multimedia, synopsis, cast and crew information, and forum.
Salon.com: The Kid Stays in the Picture
Stephanie Zacharek's review: "'The Kid Stays in the Picture' may be baloney. But it's all beef, and no bull."