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About.com Review, All-Reviews.com - The Mummy Returns, Apollo Movie Guide - The Mummy Returns, Brunching Shuttlecocks: The Mummy Returns, filmOMH.com - The Mummy Returns, Filmtracks: The Mummy Returns, HARO Online, Idlebrain.com review - The Mummy Returns, Metacritic.com: The Mummy Returns, MovieGurus.com: The Mummy Returns
Destiny Awaits
Image gallery, cast and character information, story guide, Egytian facts, and Mummy games.
Entertainment Sleuth: The Mummy Returns
All the latest news, reviews, photos, merchandise, downloads, events concerning the upcoming sequel.
Imhotep's Chamber
Includes information on the characters, behind the scenes, special effects, the Mummy, Imhotep, Seti I, and postcards.
KillerMovies.com - The Mummy Returns
Features the latest news, rumors, and facts. Also includes trailers, plot, cast and crew information, and photos.
Love on the Nile: The Mummy Imhotep and Anck-su-Na
Historical information on Egypt, movie information, fan art, fan fiction, and The Mummy Sims.
Movie Preview: The Mummy Returns
Article with production information and pictures.
Secrets of the Mummy
Image gallery, site awards, facts on Egypt, and interactive games.
The Army of Anubis Training Academy
An original site where you can enroll in the Army of Anubis Training Academy, and read up on the films "The Mummy" and "The Mummy Returns". Post a message in the forum, read up on the Gods and get a higher rank with every point you gain!
The Mummy Archive
Includes cast and character information, gallery, video games information, collages, quotes, ancient Egypt information, and animations.
The Mummy Returns
Story, cast, crew, gallery, and games.
The Mummy Returns
News, multimedia, bulletin board.
The Mummy Returns Fanfiction
Includes fanfiction and reviews.
The Mummy Returns Official Website
With cast/crew information, photo gallery, synopsis, trailer, and screensaver. With Flash intro.
The Mummy Web
Cast, the legend, image gallery, art gallery, wallpaper, fanfiction, contests, and literature.
The Rick and Evie Archive
A large archive of mummy fanfiction and information on authors.