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All-Reviews.com: The Others
Multiple movie reviews.
Brunching Shuttlecocks: The Others
Review by the Self-Made Critic.
Chicago Sun-Times: The Others
Roger Ebert's review.
Cosmospolis: The Others
Review and pictures.
DVDwolf: The Others
Movie review and DVD information.
HARO Online: The Others
Movie review and pictures.
Hollywood Jesus - The Others
Visual movie review includes photos, trailers, cast and reader comments.
IMDb: The Others (2001)
Plot outline, cast and crew listings, and comments.
Metacritic.com: The Others
Synopsis, quotes from and links to reviews, viewer comments, and rating.
Plugged In: The Others
Lindy Beam reviews the film's content from the viewpoint of Christian values.
Popkorn Junkie: The Others
Movie review and viewer comments.
Reel Cinema: The Others
Review of the film.
Rotten Tomatoes: The Others
Links to reviews, synopsis, cast and crew information, multimedia, and forum
The Celebrity Cafe: The Others
Review of the film by Judith Fox.