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All-Reviews.com: The Patriot, Allwatchers.com: The Patriot, Apolloguide.com: The Patriot, Cinephiles Movie Review: The Patriot, FilmOMH.com: The Patriot, Haro Online: The Patriot, Hollywood.com: The Patriot, Metacritic.com, MoviesForGuys.com: Patriot DVD Review, PopMatters.com: The Patriot
BoxOfficeMojo: The Patriot
Box office data.
IMDb: The Patriot (2000)
Cast, credits, plot summary, viewer comments, plus additional information about the film.
Metrotimes: The Patriot
Article by Serena Donadoni; in depth look at the reasons for making the historical fiction film, The Patriot.
The Patriot
A fan presents synopsis, cast list, and links.
The Patriot Resource
Discusses the movie's themes and its truthfulness. Features information on cast, characters, crew, facts and insights, multimedia, and related data.
Yahoo Movies: The Patriot
Greg's preview commentary.