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All-Reviews.com - Pitch Black, HARO Online: Pitch Black, Metacritic.com, Noshadowkick.com: Pitch Black, PopMatters - Pitch Black, The Celebrity Cafe: Pitch Black
Allscifi.com: Pitch Black Spotlight
Summaries and analysis of the film, and links to similar movies.
Box Office Mojo
Box office data for Pitch Black. Includes a comparison with other sci-fi creature features.
IMDb: Pitch Black
Cast, credits, plot summary, viewer comments, plus additional information about the film.
Movie Page: Pitch Black
Summary, news, rummors, reviews, and trailers for the movie.
MovieWeb: Pitch Black
A plot summary, movie stills, and a cast list.
Pitch Black Online
Features photo gallery, cast biographies, video and audio clips, and fan fiction.
Reasons why Riddick
Humorous site devoted to all things Riddick, played by Vin Diesel, from the movie Pitch Black. Includes "Life Lessons," the "Ten-Minute Review," and "Riddick-on-Tap."
Riddick Online Gallery
Images, fan art, and multimedia of the character Riddick, portrayed by Vin Diesel.
Rotten Tomatoes: Pitch Black
Reviews, previews, media predictions, box office, trailers, interviews, photographs, and news.
SciFlicks.com - Pitch Black
Videos, sounds, pictures, quotes, links, and a message board.
Soul Survivors
A Pitch Black fan fiction archive centering around the characters of Jack and Riddick, portrayed by Rhaina Griffith and Vin Diesel.
The Rise of the Spectacular as Aesthetic Form
A discussion of the significance of spectacle in genre, by way of an analysis of the movie, "Pitch Black." Written June 2001 by Daniel du Prie.